Cornucopia – I Knew Something Would Rise…

Try this writing exercise. Sit in front of your desk, or the kitchen table, or the picnic table outside. Whatever sparks creativity best. Don’t have any computer in front of you. Not just yet…For now – just a pen and paper.

Write a word down. Any word. Maybe the most interesting word you’ve learnt today, or just the first word that pops into your mind. Do not take longer than 30 seconds on this. Even that is a very generous time for me to give.

Write. You may get your laptop now, if you wish. But no internet or emails! Just uninterrupted writing. Write whatever you want based on that word. I am doing mine with the word cornucopia. How about you?

1 thought on “Cornucopia – I Knew Something Would Rise…

  1. Hey!
    You know what? Lately, I’ve been thinking of starting a new blog based on the same idea, i.e., choosing any random word and writing anything that comes to my mind – related to that word. But the idea is still on standby because I’m having some trouble juggling my time…
    Anyway, I can’t wait to read your thoughts on Cornucopia! 🙂

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