New Habit – Write Where Your Thoughts Take You!

I’ve decided to take Leo’s advice on starting a new habit. At the moment, I have a habit of going onto my email first thing when I get up. It’s really annoying, but I think I have the power to conquer it…

Anyway, the good habit to replace the bad habit is from a book I read a while ago, unfortunately I forgot what it was called, but it was to write 3 long-hand pages of consciousness every morning, first thing. Three pages?! So I decided to do a bit less. I only wrote until I felt like stopping. I let my thoughts take me anywhere, which makes it random; now I have something to blog when I’m fresh out of ideas!

So, I only wrote for about 20 minutes this morning, on my iPad so that I had no email or internet distractions. It’s on an app called evernote – if you know a better writing app that doesn’t cost more than £2 please tell me!

So, here’s today’s one, I’m calling this challenge “Write Where Your Thoughts Take You!”

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